After Debate, Voters Unswayed

by admin | October 4, 2012 5:27 pm


After the first presidential debate of the 2012 election, viewers rated GOP candidate Mitt Romney the comeback kid.

A scientific CNN poll of viewers and analysts reported 67 percent  of watchers declared Romney a more forceful debater with Obama’s responses being slow, dry and cautious. They declared Romney the winner.

Media reaction to the debate had Romney as the clear aggressor.  Chuck Todd of NBC News said, “Everything Romney wanted to accomplish tonight was done. He came across as someone who knew his stuff. He looked like a credible alternative tonight.”

The Candidates As Debaters

As debaters go, Obama’s performance failed to impress while Romney stood out better, observers say. The criticism of Obama pointed to his passiveness by not attacking Romney on key points specifically his 47 percent speech.

Political analysts agree that Obama, although considered a candidate that relates to voters, he is not a strong speaker. Jeremy Teigen, associate professor of political science at Ramapo College, rated Obama as a B grade speaker who did not perform to a B standard.

“Romney did a good job of looking like something other than an out-of-touch plutocrat,”  Tiegen said.

Voter’s Pre-determine Their Choice

Analysts report that advertising and debates do very little to move voters during the presidential election, but do matter more during primary elections.  For example, Rick Perry’s performance during the primary debates doomed his campaign. In earlier presidential debates, Walter Mondale fared well, but could not win against Ronald Reagan’s performance at the presidential debate. John Kerry showed well against George Bush yet lost the election.

Teigen explained that most voters watching the debates already know who they are going to vote for and usually stick to party lines.“Party identification is what we pick up in early adulthood and it stays with you. It is an endearing physiological bond that we share with parties.”

Romney Will Cut Big Bird

Although Romney did not give specifics about how he would solve the economic issues, he said he would slash unnecessary spending which included cutting PBS funding to reduce the federal deficit and lower the debt.

The statement set off a deluge of Twitter posts, which according to ABC News, was up to 10,000 posts per minute.

“For Romney to even mention cutting Big Bird is a big no-no in my book,” said Valerie Torrizo, Ramapo College student.  “Mitt looked more motivated, but it did not change my mind.”

Small Business Owner Support Romney

Small business owner Glen Buchannan supports Romney who he feels is a strong business man paired with the political experience as a governor. “I don’t think Obama has a firm grasp of the facts regarding outsourcing of jobs and Green energy investments. I had always intended to vote against Obama and am surer now after the debate.”

Still Unsure

There are some who are still wondering who they should pick on Election Day.

College student Chris Emch considers himself a Republican but on the moderate side. “I am strongly considering voting for Obama as I don’t think Romney explained how he would put his plan into action.  I’m still on the fence.”

debate interview[1]

College Students Express Strong Reaction to Debate[2]

  1. debate interview:
  2. College Students Express Strong Reaction to Debate:

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